We support the vision of healthy watersheds through the implementation of LID design principles, hydromodification controls, and sustainable development throughout the Central Coast region.


Municipal Stormwater Program Assessment and Prioritization

Evaluation of municipal stormwater runoff volume and pollutant contributions, by catchment, to the receiving water provides insight as to which areas of a municipality represent the greatest risk to water quality impairment and therefore, where to prioritize stormwater program efforts.

Because a catchment-scale perspective is fundamental to developing a strong municipal stormwater program, the Central Coast Water Board (Board) with support from LIDI, regional municipalities and 2NDNATURE, LLC is developing tools and resources to help stakeholders develop the knowledge and ability to conduct catchment scale stormwater runoff volume and pollutant loading analyses including:

  • A technical document outlining the elements and approach of a municipal catchment scale pollutant loading analysis:
  • Guidance for municipal catchment scale mapping:
  • Tool and guidance for inventory, assessment, prioritization and tracking of structural Best Management Practices:
  • Tool and guidance for estimating municipal stormwater volume and pollutant loading to receiving waters:

The Tool for Estimating Load Reductions (TELR)

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